Gastric mill rhythm-equivalent bursting in the LG neuron during application of the IMI activator OXO plus dynamic-clamp injection of ITrans-LTS. A, Left, During saline superfusion and no dynamic-clamp injection, the LG neuron membrane potential exhibited small-amplitude pyloric-timed oscillations. Right, OXO application increased the amplitude of these oscillations, but they remained subthreshold. These subthreshold oscillations exhibited a more depolarized peak, presumably due to OXO-activated IMI, and a more hyperpolarized trough, presumably due to OXO excitation of Int1 (Norris et al., 1994). The oscillation frequency also increased, because OXO also excites the pyloric CPG (Bal et al., 1994). B, Dynamic-clamp injection of ITrans-LTS (gTrans-LTS, 100 nS) during OXO superfusion elicited gastric mill-equivalent bursting in the LG neuron.