Figure 1.
Reelin immunoreactivity in the aged human hippocampal formation. A) Reelin (G10 antibody) immunoperoxidase labeling in combination with hematoxylin (Ehrlich) counterstaining. The tissue section was obtained from an 88 year-old ND individual. The color-coding represents the areas included in the stereological analysis: 1=fornix, 2=stratum lacunosum moleculare (SLM), 3=molecular layer of subiculum, 4=molecular layer of pre/parasubiculum, 5=molecular layer of entorhinal cortex (EC). B) Higher magnification view of Reelin-positive deposits in the fornix. Arrow points to a filled deposit, arrowhead indicates a hollow deposit. C) Reelin (G10) immunoperoxidase labeling combined with toloidinblue counterstaining in the fornix border area. Tissue section was obtained from an 80 year-old AD patient. D) Control staining using isogenic IgGs (mouse anti-human CD45 antibody) following antigen retrieval (microwave irradiation in citrate buffer plus pepsin pretreatment) and Hematoxylin (Harrys) counterstaining. Brain section was obtained from a 79 year-old ND individual. Arrowhead points to a CD45-negative deposit, insert represents a CD45-positive lymphocyte associated with a brain capillary. E) Control staining without primary antibody following antigen retrieval and Hematoxylin/Eosin counterstaining. Brain section was obtained from an 81 year-old ND individual. Arrowhead points to an immune-negative deposit. Scale bars: A = 2 mm, B - D = 30 μm.