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. 2013 Dec 29;2013:929340. doi: 10.1155/2013/929340

Table 3.

Factors affecting total knowledge score about causes and aggravating factors of acne among study sample.

Poor Good Total P value
No. % No. %
Knowledge versus age
 Childhood 14 73.7% 5 26.3% 19 100.0 P = 0.012
 Teenagers 69 61.6% 43 38.4% 112 100.0
 Adulthood 22 44.9% 27 55.1% 49 100.0
Total 105 58.3% 75 41.7% 180 100.0
Knowledge versus gender
 Males 49 68.1 23 31.9 72 100.0 P = 0.031
 Females 56 51.9 48.1 48.1 108 100.0
Total 105 58.3 75 41.7 180 100.0
Knowledge versus marital status
 Single 90 60 60 40 150 100.0 P = 0.357
 Married 13 46.4 15 53.6 15 100.0
 Divorced 1 100 0 0 1 100.0
 Widow (er) 1 100 0 0 1 100.0
Total 105 100 75 41.7 180 100.0
Knowledge versus education
 Illiterate 4 80 1 20 5 100.0 P = 0.297
 Primary school 2 100 0 0 2 100.0
 Intermediate 20 69 9 31 29 100.0
 Secondary 54 56.8 41 43.2 95 100.0
 Bachelor and more 25 51 24 49 49 100.0
Total 105 58.3 75 41 180 100.0
Knowledge versus income
 <5000 RS 33 61.1% 21 38.9% 54 100.0 P = 0.258
 5000–10000RS 51 62.2% 31 37.8% 82 100.0
 >10000 RS count 21 47.7% 23 52.3% 44 100.0