Figure 4. Pax3:Foxo1a induces G2/M checkpoint adaptation gene in G2/M.
(A) Diagrammatic representation of Pax3:Foxo1a knockdown strategy using eYFP siRNA. (B) Knockdown of the Pax3:Foxo1a protein by siYFP. Total cell lysates were isolated 48 h after transfection. Pax3:Foxo1a was detected with an antibody targeting the C-terminus of Foxo1a. (C) Differential expression of 60 of cell cycle genes (as annotated by Gene Ontology) for DNA content with or without Pax3:Foxo1a knockdown. (D) mRNA expression by QPCR of Plk1, Cdc25b, H2afx and Birc5 normalized to Gapdh in DNA content-sorted U23674 mouse aRMS primary tumor cells with or without Pax3:Foxo1a knockdown. Black and red line shows significant difference (p<0.05).