Transgenic expression of Nfil3 in neurons in ALS model mice slows disease onset.
a–c, ages of disease onset (ages when mice reached peak body weight, p = 0.017 by log-rank test, a), early disease phase (ages of 10% weight loss from maximal weight, p = 0.026 by log-rank test, b), or end-stage disease (p = 0.026 by log-rank test, c) of Nfil3/SOD1G93A-tg (red) and SOD1G93A-tg (blue) mice. Data were obtained from SODG93A-tg (onset and early disease, six males and four females; end-stage, six males and two females) and Nfil3/SOD1G93A-tg mice (onset and early disease, seven males and four females; end-stage, seven males and three females). d–f, mean onset (*, p < 0.05 by two-tailed t test), mean duration of an early disease phase (from onset to 10% weight loss, p = 0.94 by two-tailed t test), and mean duration of a later disease phase (from 10% weight loss to end stage, p = 0.84 by two-tailed t test) for Nfil3/SOD1G93A-tg (red) and SOD1G93A-tg (blue) mice.