(a) The density of defect clusters in NP Ag increased gradually with dose (fluence) to a saturation density of 1 × 1023/m3 at 0.5 dpa, whereas cluster density in CG Ag increased drastically and saturated by 0.25 dpa at twice higher value, 2 × 1023/m3. (b) At increasing dose, the average size of defect clusters in CG Ag increased monotonically to ~8 nm, whereas the defect cluster size in NP Ag remained small, ~3.5 nm by 0.5 dpa. (c–d) Statistical size distributions of defect clusters (by 1.5 dpa) show that CG Ag has both greater average and maximum defect size, ~8 and 13 nm respectively, comparing to 3.5 nm and 6 nm in irradiated NP Ag.