Table 1.
Differential diagnosis of immunologic and nonimmunologic mimics of food allergy
Masquerading Food | Actual Trigger | Diagnosis |
Fruits and vegetables | Birch, mugwort, ragweed, and profilin5 |
Oral allergy syndrome* |
Corn, wheat, and flour |
Der p 1 | Oral mite anaphylaxis* |
Avocado, banana, kiwi, and others | Latex (hevein,1,3β-glucanase)6,7 | Latex-fruit syndrome* |
Wheat, celery, shellfish, cabbage, peaches, grapes, apples, and others |
Exercise8 | Food dependent, exercise- induced anaphylaxis* |
Mammalian meat | Galactose-α-1,3-galactose | Delayed meat anaphylaxis* |
Dairy, eggs, and meats | Enterotoxin |
Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning |
Dairy | Lactose | Lactase deficiency |
Pork | Cat albumin | Pork-cat syndrome9* |
Soy sauce, tomatoes, meat, parmesan cheese, and mushrooms |
Monosodium glutamate10 | Preservative intolerance |
Cheese, smoked meats, alcohol, and chocolate |
Tyramine | Pheochromocytoma crisis and carcinoid syndrome11,12 |
Salad bars, dehydrated fruits, wine, and others |
Metabisulfites and other sulfites13 | Preservative intolerance |
Fish and cheese | Scombroid14 and ciguatera toxin | Scombroid and ciguatera poisoning |
IgE-mediated reaction.