The graphs show expected power (
91) for a
disease with 1% population prevalence (p - 5 × 10
depending on minor (less frequent) allele frequency of the tested SNP, sample
size (assuming the N of cases shown in the graph legend, and the same N of
controls (power is similar for the same N of case-parent trios), and
genotypic relative risk (GRR), which is the ratio of the
risk of disease to carriers of a particular genotype vs. non-carriers (thus, if
GRR is 1.2, risk is increased by 20%). The calculations assume indirect
association between a tested SNP allele and a risk allele at a correlation
2) of 0.8, so that the effective sample sizes are approximately
80% of those shown. A sample of 8,000 cases and 8,000 controls will miss most
associated alleles that confer much less than a 20% increase in risk (GRR
<< 1.2), whereas 20,000/20,000 would detect most associated
alleles with GRR = 1.12 and frequency > 15-20%. Factors that affect power
GRR. Power increases with GRR.
Allele frequency and LD. Power increases with the minor
allele frequency of the associated SNP and with stronger LD between
than SNP and an untested risk allele.
Mode of transmission. Power is greater for dominant and
multiplicative (log additive) genetic effects, and less for
recessive effects (particularly for rare alleles).
Selection of controls. For diseases with higher
prevalence (e.g., >> 5%), power increases if controls
with the disorder/trait of interest are excluded.(
Technical artifacts of all kinds can reduce power.