Figure 1.
Physiological responses of first-time California mouse fathers exposed to a 7-day chronic variable stress paradigm (CVS, n=8), a separation control paradigm (SC, n=7), or no manipulation (UC, n=7–8). Data from CVS and UC fathers are also presented in de Jong et al., 2013. A) CVS fathers lost body mass over the course of the experiment whereas SC and UC fathers did not. *P<0.05 comparing CVS to SC and UC; SC and UC did not differ at any time point. See results for additional statistical information. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. B) Back-transformed plasma corticosterone concentration measured at 0900h on days 1, 4 and 8 (presented as geometric mean ± 95% confidence interval). CVS fathers had significantly higher corticosterone levels on day 4 when compared to both SC and UC fathers (*P<0.05).