Figure 2.
Behavioral data from 10-min observation of first-time California mouse fathers on day 6 of a 7-day experimental protocol. Fathers in the chronic variable stress condition (CVS, n=8) were observed immediately following a 10-min stressor, separation control fathers (SC, n=7) were observed following 10 min of separation from the mate and pups, and unmanipulated control fathers (UC, n=8) were observed without prior manipulation. All bars are medians with first and third quartiles. A) CVS males spent significantly more time autogrooming and less time huddling with the family when compared to UC males (*CVS vs. UC, P<0.05). B) SC fathers spent significantly more time grooming the female pairmate and engaging in paternal care (combination of lick pup, huddle pup, and kyphosis) than did CVS and UC males (*SC vs. CVS and UC, P<0.05), while SC fathers spent more time sniffing the mate than did UC fathers (*SC vs. UC, P<0.05), but did not differ from CVS fathers. C) CVS fathers spent more time in the opposite cage-half as the pups and the female, and spent less time within 10 cm of the pups, than did UC fathers (*CVS vs. UC, P<0.05).