Figure 2.
Females show sustained PL activation throughout extinction and its recall. (A) An example of electrode placements in PL and IL, indicated by the arrows. (B) Sample LFP traces recorded from PL and IL. (C) Pooled theta power spectra (left) and log ratio plots for pairwise comparisons of spectra (right) in PL (top) and IL (bottom) during the first and last tone blocks during extinction in males and females. The solid horizontal lines in the log ratio plots represent the upper and lower 95% confidence limits; positive log ratio values indicate increased power during the last compared to the first tone block, whereas negative values indicate decreased power during the last compared to the first tone block. In males, PL power decreased and IL power increased during extinction. In contrast, PL and IL power both increased during extinction in females. (D) Pooled theta power spectra (left) and log ratio plots (right) in PL (top) and IL (bottom) during the first and last tone blocks during extinction recall in males and females. In males, PL power decreased during extinction recall, albeit to a lesser extent compared to extinction. In IL, power shifted from lower to higher frequencies during extinction recall. In females, PL power showed little change and IL power increased during extinction recall.