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. 2013 Dec 11;4:209–231. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.11.009

Table S1.

Frequencies (%) and z-scores of the 7 neural regions most consistently implicated in youth MDD. Shown are the frequencies of which each region was implicated across the 5 primary domains, and the corresponding z-score for the reported activation/connectivity in the region, for each study.

Anterior (pregenual) cingulate Subgenual cingulate cortex Ventromedial PFC incl. lateral and medial OFC Dorsomedial PFC DLPFC Amygdala Striatum
Emotion processing 33% (2, 3)
3z = 3.26 (bilateral)
33% (2, 6)
6Baseline z = 3.18 (bilateral) week 8 z = 2.01 (R)a
16% (6)
6Baseline z = 3.85 (bilateral) week 8 z = 2.18 (R)a
0% 33% (4, 5)
4z = 3.41 (L BA 47) z = 3.06 (L BA 8)
5z = 3.44 (R BA 9)
100% (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
3z = 2.67 (L)a
4z = 3.06 (L)
5z = 3.52 (L)
6Baseline z = 2.58 (bilateral), week
Cognitive control 40% (9, 10)
9z = 2.64 (R)
10z = 2.87 (R)
40% (8, 11)
8z = 3.50 (L)
11Connectivity with medial frontal gyrus (BA 10) z = 3.95 (bilateral)
40% (8, 11)
8z = 3.46 (L)
11Connectivity with subgenual cingulate cortex z = 3.95 (bilateral)
0% 40% (7, 10)
7Simon task z = 2.45 (R DLPFC/IFG)
Stop task z = 2.40 (R DLPFC BA 9/46)
10z = 2.87 (R IFC)
0% 40% (10, 11)
10z = 2.87 (R)
11Connectivity with subgenual ACC z = 3.4 (R)
Affective cognition 0% 0% 40% (12, 13)
12z = 3.90b (R)
13z = 1.77 (L) (trend effect only when MDD with comorbid anxiety was included)
0% 20% (12)
12z = 3.69 (bilateral DLPFC/BA 9)
100% (12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
12z = 4.0 (L)
13Hyperactivity to fearful faces in MDD with and without comorbid anxiety: z = 3.08 (L) and z = 3.05 (L) respectively. Deactivation to passive fearful vs. happy faces in MDD with and comorbid anxiety: z = − 2.15 (L) and z = − 2.34 (L) respectively
14Fearful faces: MDD group LALA > S/Lgz = 3.35 (R).
Happy faces: MDD group LALA > S/Lgz = 2.45 (R)
15z = 3.40 (L) z = 2.09 (R)
16Connectivity with ventromedial PFC z = 2.9 (“Maintain”)
Reward processing 16% (22)
22z = 2.30 (R)
0% 66% (17, 18, 19, 22)
18z = 2.40 (L medial frontal gyrus/BA 10)
19Association with anxiety symptoms B = 4.21, p < .01
22z = 2.20 (R ventrolateral OFC), z = 2.03 (L dorsal OFC)
0% 16% (18)
18Reward anticipation z = 2.71 (bilateral), reward outcome z = 2.32 (bilateral)
33% (17, 20)
20z = 2.47 (L)
66% (17, 18, 19, 21)
18Reward anticipation z = 4.00 (L caudate head) reward outcome z = 4.05 (L caudate head)
19Association with general clinical severity B = .26, p < .01, association with anxiety symptoms B = − .64, p < .01
21z = 2.17 (bilateral caudate body), z = 1.89 (R caudate head), z = 2.15 (L)
Resting-state 50% (23, 25, 27)
23Connectivity with subgenual ACC z > 2.3 (bilateral)
25z = 2.95 (bilateral)
27Connectivity with caudate z = 4.8
50% (23, 27, 28)
23z > 2.3 (bilateral)
27Connectivity with medial PFC z = 4.6
28z = − 5.9 (L)
50% (24, 25, 28)
24= 2.10 (bilateral)
25z = 3.42 (bilateral sup OFC) z = 2.62 (bilateral inf OFC), z = 2.18 (bilateral medial OFC)
28z = 5.44 (L vmPFC), z = 4.99 (L mOFC)
66% (23, 25, 27, 28)
23z > 2.3 (R)
25z = 3.01 (bilateral)
27Connectivity with subgenual ACC z = 4.6
28z = 4.15 (L)
50% (24, 25, 27)
24z = 3.19 (R)
25z = 2.14 (bilateral)
27z = 4.8 (L)
10% (25)
25z = 2.45 (L)
33% (24, 27)
24z = 3.18 (bilateral caudate)
27z = 4.8 (bilateral caudate body)

Note: z-scores were not calculated for 3 studies (1, 2 and 17) due to a lack of information. Where T statistics and F statistics were reported, z-scores were calculated using standard SPM and Matlab scripts for conversion into 1-tailed z-scores. For studies where only p values were reported, the p values were converted into their standardized z-score. Where bilateral clusters were reported for the same neural region, an average z-score for the left and right cluster is reported. Similarly, where multiple clusters of activation were reported for the same neural region, an average z-score for the neural region is reported.


Approached significance.


Maxima of the cluster did not originate in the OFC.