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. 2014 Feb 22;281(1777):20132899. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2899

Table 1.

Male sexual responsiveness of three-spined sticklebacks in relation to growth treatment (catch-up, control or slowdown). (The results are shown of a linear mixed-effect (LME) analysis based on within-group centring to assess the relative importance of within-treatment and between-treatment effects of growth rate. Variation in compensatory growth rate was thus partitioned into that owing to treatment (‘between-group effect of growth’) and the residual within-treatment variation owing to the individual. The full model included experiment (winter or spring) and photoperiod (AP or DP) as fixed effects, compensatory growth rate (partitioned into within- and between-growth treatment effects) as covariates, plus their two-way interactions, and original rearing tank as a random effect. Non-significant variables were dropped from the final model, which is shown here. The parentheses represent the reference coding of the categorical variable.)

final model estimate ± s.e. F d.f. p
intercept 4.077 ± 0.512
experiment (winter) −3.198 ± 1.317 5.90 1, 81.0 0.017
between-group effect of growth −123.907 ± 14.778 38.12 1, 81.0 <0.001
experiment (winter) × between-group effect of growth 113.764 ± 21.711 27.46 1, 81.0 <0.001