Uterine proliferative response is maintained in C451A-ERα mice. (A) Representative images of intact uterus. (B) Uterine wet weight in ovariectomized WT-C451 and C451A-ERα mice treated or not with chronic (28 d) E2 treatment (8 µg/kg per day), n = 4–6. (C) Representative Ki-67 immunodetection in uterus sections from WT-C451A and C451A-ERα mice treated or not with E2 for 24 h. (Scale bar, 100 µm.) (D) Percentages of Ki-67–positive cells in epithelium and (E) luminal epithelial height (LEH) were measured, n = 4–8. For B, D, and E, statistical results of two-way ANOVA are shown, explaining the effect of treatment (Treat.), genotype (Gen.), and the interaction (Inter.) between these two variables.