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. 2014 Jan 20;9(1):e85953. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085953

Table 5. The 20 traits measured on the rice genotypes in a field trial in Sierra Leone in 2008. Ratings were based on five at randomly chosen plants per plot.

Characteristic Description and scale or unit Type of determination Stage of measurement
Agronomic traits
Culm length Average length, from ground level to the base of thepanicle, in cm Numerical Physiological maturity
Plant height Average height, from soil surface up to the tip of the tallestpanicle, in cm Numerical Physiological maturity
Leaf length Average length of peninsulate leaf (leaf below flag leaf),from collar to tip of leaf, in cm Numerical Physiological maturity
Leaf width Average width of peninsulate leaf (leaf below flag leaf),widest portion of the leaf, in cm Numerical Physiological maturity
Panicle length Average length, of main panicle, from panicle baseto tip, in cm, Numerical Physiological maturity
Panicle number Average number of panicles per plant Numerical Physiological maturity
Number of tillers Average number of tiller(s) per plant Numerical Physiological maturity
Rattoon potential Assessed after harvests: 0  =  None; 1  =  Low; 3  =  Medium;5  =  Vigorous; 7  =  Very vigorous Scale. After harvest
Grain length Average length of grain length, from base of lowermoststerile lemma to tip of fertile lemma or palea, in mm. Numerical Post-harvest
Grain width Average width, measured at the widest portion, in mm. Numerical Post-harvest
100-grain weight Average weight of 100 filled seeds at 13% moisture content. Numerical Post-harvest
Botanical traits
Leaf blade colour 0  =  No green visible due to anthocyanin; 3  =  Light green;5  =  Medium green; 7  =  Dark green Visual assessment Physiological maturity
Leaf blade pubescence 1  =  Glabrous (smooth); 2  =  Intermediate; 3  =  Pubescent Ocular inspection and thenfingertip rub to class hairiness Physiological maturity
Ligule length Average length, on peninsulate leaf of main stem, from thebase of the collar to the tip, in mm Numerical Physiological maturity
Ligule shape 0  =  Absent; 1  =  Truncate; 2  =  Acute to acuminate; 3  =  2-cleft Visual assessment Physiological maturity
Panicle attitude of mainaxis (PAMA) 1  =  Upright; 2  =  Semi-upright; 3  =  Slightly drooping;4  =  Strongly drooping Visual assessment of the mainaxis of the panicle Physiological maturity
Panicle attitude ofprimary branches (PAB) 1  =  Erect (compact panicle); 3  =  Semi erect, semi-compactpanicle; 5  =  Spreading (open panicle); 7  =  Horizontal; 9  =  Drooping Visual assessment Physiological maturity
Awn length 0  =  None (awn less); 1  =  Very short (<5 mm);3  =  Short (∼8 mm); 5  =  Intermediate (∼15 mm);7  =  Long (∼30 mm); 9  =  Very long (>40 mm) The awn was measured frombase to the tip, then translatedin scales Post-harvest
Husk (lemma and palea) colour 1  =  White; 2  =  Straw; 3  =  Gold and gold furrows; 4  =  Brown(tawny); 5  =  Brown spots; 6  =  Brown furrows; 7  =  Purple;8  =  Reddish to light purple; 9  =  Purple spots; 10  =  Purplefurrows; 11  =  Black Visual assessment Post-harvest
Seed coat colour /pericarp colour 1 =  White; 2  =  Light brown; 3  =  Speckled brown; 4  =  Brown;5  =  Red; 6  =  Variable purple; 7  =  Purple Visual assessment Post-harvest