Agronomic traits
Culm length |
Average length, from ground level to the base of thepanicle, in cm |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Plant height |
Average height, from soil surface up to the tip of the tallestpanicle, in cm |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Leaf length |
Average length of peninsulate leaf (leaf below flag leaf),from collar to tip of leaf, in cm |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Leaf width |
Average width of peninsulate leaf (leaf below flag leaf),widest portion of the leaf, in cm |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Panicle length |
Average length, of main panicle, from panicle baseto tip, in cm, |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Panicle number |
Average number of panicles per plant |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Number of tillers |
Average number of tiller(s) per plant |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Rattoon potential |
Assessed after harvests: 0 = None; 1 = Low; 3 = Medium;5 = Vigorous; 7 = Very vigorous |
Scale. |
After harvest |
Grain length |
Average length of grain length, from base of lowermoststerile lemma to tip of fertile lemma or palea, in mm. |
Numerical |
Post-harvest |
Grain width |
Average width, measured at the widest portion, in mm. |
Numerical |
Post-harvest |
100-grain weight |
Average weight of 100 filled seeds at 13% moisture content. |
Numerical |
Post-harvest |
Botanical traits
Leaf blade colour |
0 = No green visible due to anthocyanin; 3 = Light green;5 = Medium green; 7 = Dark green |
Visual assessment |
Physiological maturity |
Leaf blade pubescence |
1 = Glabrous (smooth); 2 = Intermediate; 3 = Pubescent |
Ocular inspection and thenfingertip rub to class hairiness |
Physiological maturity |
Ligule length |
Average length, on peninsulate leaf of main stem, from thebase of the collar to the tip, in mm |
Numerical |
Physiological maturity |
Ligule shape |
0 = Absent; 1 = Truncate; 2 = Acute to acuminate; 3 = 2-cleft |
Visual assessment |
Physiological maturity |
Panicle attitude of mainaxis (PAMA) |
1 = Upright; 2 = Semi-upright; 3 = Slightly drooping;4 = Strongly drooping |
Visual assessment of the mainaxis of the panicle |
Physiological maturity |
Panicle attitude ofprimary branches (PAB) |
1 = Erect (compact panicle); 3 = Semi erect, semi-compactpanicle; 5 = Spreading (open panicle); 7 = Horizontal; 9 = Drooping |
Visual assessment |
Physiological maturity |
Awn length |
0 = None (awn less); 1 = Very short (<5 mm);3 = Short (∼8 mm); 5 = Intermediate (∼15 mm);7 = Long (∼30 mm); 9 = Very long (>40 mm) |
The awn was measured frombase to the tip, then translatedin scales |
Post-harvest |
Husk (lemma and palea) colour |
1 = White; 2 = Straw; 3 = Gold and gold furrows; 4 = Brown(tawny); 5 = Brown spots; 6 = Brown furrows; 7 = Purple;8 = Reddish to light purple; 9 = Purple spots; 10 = Purplefurrows; 11 = Black |
Visual assessment |
Post-harvest |
Seed coat colour /pericarp colour |
1 = White; 2 = Light brown; 3 = Speckled brown; 4 = Brown;5 = Red; 6 = Variable purple; 7 = Purple |
Visual assessment |
Post-harvest |