(A) The genomic regions surrounding and within moody used to generate the reporter constructs and (B) the moody enhancer is shown. (C–N) Whole mount embryos were double-stained with an anti-GFP antibody (green: D, G, J, and M) and monoclonal antibody 2A12 (red; E, H and K) or anti-repo monoclonal antibody (red; N) and analyzed by confocal microscopy. The overlap in expression is shown in yellow in the merge columns (C, F, I and L). The expression patterns of the (C–E) moody1970:GFP, (F–H and L–N) moody1221:GFP and (I–K) moody608:GFP reporters are shown. Both the moody1970:GFP (not shown) and moody1221:GFP (L–N) reporters also drive expression in lateral glia as indicated by co-localization with repo (arrows). Additionally, moody 1221:GFP is expressed in the dorsal trunk (arrows F–H), while moody1970:GFP is expressed in the dorsal vessel (arrows C and D) and lightly in the dorsal trunk. (C–H) Dorsolateral, (I–K) lateral or (L–N) ventral views of stage 16 transgenic embryos are shown; anterior is in the top, left hand corner.