Figure 8. Stable inhibition of Smad7 mimics miR-181a-mediated events.
(a) Epithelial and mesenchymal marker expression in shScram (control) and two shSmad7 (-54 and -55) stable cell lines expressing different short hairpin RNA (shRNA) sequences. (b) p3TP (left) and SBE4-luc (right) reporter activities in the shScram, shSmad7-54 and shSmad7-55 cells. Student’s t-test, **P≤0.01 and ***P≤0.001 are shown (n=3). Error bars, s.d. (c) Analysis of invasive potential of the shScram, shSmad7-54 and -55 cell lines by a transwell invasion assay (left) and the quantification of invading cell counts per field (right). Original magnification, × 100, scale bars, 100 μM (black). Student’s t-test, *P≤0.05 and ***P≤0.001 (n=3). Error bars, s.d.