Figure 4.
Assessment of pulmonary hypertension in fetal lambs. A. There was no significant difference in RV:LV+Septum ratio between groups. B. PAP is significantly different by Repeated Measures ANOVA, p = 0.04. **PAP is significantly higher in the CDH-Placebo group in comparison to the Normal-Placebo group by Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons Test, but there was no significant difference in PAP between the CDH-Placebo and CDH-Tadalafil group. C. QPA is significantly different between groups by Repeated Measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001. *QPA was significantly lower in the CDH-Placebo group in comparison to the Normal-Placebo Group by Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons Test. **QPA was also significantly higher in the CDH-Tadalafil group in comparison to the CDH-Placebo group in post-hoc as well. There was no significant difference in QPA between the CDH-Tadalafil and Normal-Placebo groups.