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. 2014 Jan 21;9(1):e85268. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085268

Table 4. Methodological quality of each article per measurement property and instrument according to COSMIN Checklist.

Measure Article Ref No. Version Internal Consistency Reliability Content Validity Structural Validity Hypothesis Testing Criterion Validity Responsiveness
ADIS Brown-Jacobsen et al (2011) 40 C + P - - - - Good - -
Canavera et al (2009) 41 C + P - - - - Good - -
Comer & Kendal (2004) 42 C + P - Good - - Good - -
Grills & Ollendick (2003) 43 C + P - Good - - Good - -
Higa-McMillan (2008) 44 C - - - good - - -
Lyneham et al (2007) 45 C + P - good - - - - -
Lyneham & Rapee (2005) 46 C + P - good - - - - -
Silverman et al (2001) 47 C + P - good - - good - -
Storch et al (2012) 48 C + P - - - - good - -
Wood et al (2002) 49 C + P - - - - good - -
MASC Anderson et al (2009)* 50 C good - - - excellent excellent -
Baldwin & Dadds (2007) 51 C + P excellent - - excellent good - -
Brown et al (2012) 52 C good - - good - - -
Dierker et al (2001) 53 C fair - - - - good -
Grills-Taquechel et al (2008) 54 C excellent - - good - excellent -
Langer et al (2010) 55 C + P fair - - - - good -
March et al (1997) 56 C + P excellent poor α - excellent poor α - -
March & Sullivan (1999) 57 C - good - - - - -
Ross et al (2007) 58 C - - - - - good -
Rynn et al (2006) 59 C good - - good good excellent -
Thaler et al (2010) 60 C + P fair - - - fair fair -
White et al (2012) 61 C + P fair - - - fair - -
Wood et al (2002) 49 C + P - - - - - excellent -
RCADS Brown et al (2012) 52 C good - - good - - -
Chorpita et al (2000) 35 C excellent good good excellent good - -
Chorpita et al (2005) 62 C excellent - - excellent fair excellent -
Ebesutani et al (2010) 63 P excellent - - excellent good excellent -
Ebesutani et al (2011) 64 P excellent good - excellent excellent - -
Ebesutani et al (2012) 65 C Short excellent - - excellent - excellent -
Trent et al (2012) 66 C excellent - - excellent - - -
RCMAS Cole et al (2000)** 67 C + P poor β - - excellent - - -
Dadds et al (1998)*** 68 C good - - - good - -
Dierker et al (2001) 53 C fair - - - good good -
Kenny & Faust (1997) 69 C - - - - good - -
Nelson & Renzenbrink (1995) 70 C - poor - - poor α - -
Olatunji & Cole** (2009) 71 C good excellent - excellent - - -
Paget & Reynolds (1984) 72 C poor β - - poor α - - -
Perrin & Last (1992) 73 C - - - - - fair -
Pina et al (2009) 74 C - - - excellent fair - -
Reynolds & Paget (1981) 75 C - - - excellent - - -
Reynolds & Richmond (1997) 30 C poor - fair - fair - -
White & Farrell (2001) 76 C - - excellent excellent - - -
Wisniewski et al (1987) 77 C - good - - - - -
SCARED Bailey et al (2006)* 78 C + P - - - - - excellent -
Birmaher et al (1997) 31 C + P excellent fair good good fair excellent -
Birmaher et al (1999) 79 C + P poor α - - poor α fair fair -
Bodden et al (2009) 80 C + P SCARED-71 good - - - - excellent -
Gonzalez et al (2012) 81 C + P good - - excellent - excellent (P) -
Jastrowski et al (2012) 82 C + P excellent - - excellent good - -
Monga et al (2000) 83 C + P - - - - excellent excellent -
Muris et al (1999) 85 C + P SCARED-R good good - - good - -
Muris et al (2004) 86 C + P SCARED-R poor - - - fair excellent -
Muris & Mayer et al (2001) 87 C SCARED-R - - - - - fair fair
Muris and Steerneman (2001) 84 C SCARED-R fair - - - fair fair -
Simon & Bogels (2009) 88 C SCARED-71 - - - - - excellent -
Van Steensel (2012) 89 C + P SCARED-71 good - - - good excellent -
Wren et al (2007) 90 C + P - - - excellent good - -
SCAS Brown-Jacobsen et al (2011) 40 C + P good - - - good good -
Essua (2011) 91 C excellent - - excellent good - -
Nauta (2004) 92 P excellent - - excellent good excellent -
Russell & Sofronoff (2005) 93 C + P - - - - good - -
Spence (1998) 33 C excellent good - excellent good excellent -
Spence et al (2003) 94 C excellent good - excellent good - -
Whiteside & Brown (2008) 95 C + P good - - - good good -
Whiteside et al (2012)**** 96 C + P good - - - good good -
SWQ Bailey et al (2006) 78 P - - - - - excellent -
Russell & Sofronoff (2005) 93 C + P - - - - good - -
CGI Lewin et al (2012) 97 Improvement - good - - - - -

ADIS: Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule. MASC: Manifest Anxiety Scale for Children. RCADS: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale. RCMAS: Revised Child Manifest Anxiety Scale. SCARED: Screen for Child Anxiety and Related Emotional Disorders. SCAS: Spence Children's Anxiety Scale. SWQ: Social Worries Questionnaire. CGI: Clinical Global Impressions.

Measurement Error was not evaluated in any article; Cross cultural validity was not included in the review..

C =  child self report; P =  parent report. R =  Revised.

looked at particular subscale (Social Anxiety/Social Phobia); ** created continuous data by altering response format; *** looked at particular subscale (total score and lie); **** looked at particular subscale (OCD).

α small sample; β no alpha for subscales.