Figure 2. Magnitude of the motility in response to NE signaling in the hha and qseC mutants.
The response to norepinephrine (NE) was determined by spotting the overnight bacterial cultures standardized to equivalent OD600 of 4.00 on soft-motility agar plates. The motility zones produced by each strain after an overnight of incubation at 37°C in the absence of NE were compared to those produced by the same strain in the presence of NE. Figures 2A and 2B show the motility zones produced around the point of bacterial inoculations and plot of their corresponding diameters (mm), respectively, for the parent, hha (Δhha), and hha-complemented (hha +/Δhha) mutants strains in the absence or presence of NE. Figures 2C and 2D show motility zones produced around the point of bacterial inoculations and the plot of their corresponding diameters (mm), respectively, for the parent, qseC (ΔqseC), qseC-complemented (qseBC +/ΔqseC) mutant strains in the absence or presence of NE. Statistical significance of the differences in the motilities of the mutant and the complemented mutants relative to the parental strains is indicated by **** (p = <0.0001).