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. 2014 Jan 21;9(1):e86736. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086736

Table 2. Data collection and crystallographic refinement statistics for mutant P2O structures with fluorinated galactoses.

Data collection1
Protein variant H167A3Fgal H167A2Fgal H450G3Fgal H450G2Fgal V546C3Fgal V546C2Fgal H450G/V546C3Fgal H450G/V546C2Fgal
Cell constants a, b, c (Å); β (°) 99.875, 102.295, 136.957; 90.78 100.291, 102.476, 137.423; 91.02 99.896, 102.423, 137.365; 91.19 101.672, 101.672, 127.562 99.971, 102.980, 137.654; 90.92 101.724, 101.724, 251.284 100.242, 102.469, 137.840; 91.09 102.423, 102.423, 119.033
Space group/molecules per a.s.u. P21/4 P21/4 P21/4 P42212/1 P21/4 P43212/2 P21/4 P42212/1
Beamline, λ (Å) Diamond, I24,0.9191 Diamond, I24,0.9191 MAX II, I911-3,1.0000 MAX II, I911-3,1.0000 Diamond, I24,0.9191 SLS PX1 (X06SA),1.0000 PETRA III, P13,0.9465 Diamond, I24,0.9191
Resolution range, all (Å) 47.92–1.90 48.01–2.00 57.14–1.90 54.03–1.65 48.23–2.30 47.32–1.60 49.33–1.50 47.04–1.80
Resolution range, outer shell (Å) 2.00–1.90 2.10–2.00 2.00–1.90 1.70–1.65 2.40–2.30 1.70–1.60 1.60–1.50 1.90–1.80
Unique reflections 216,233 (30,699) 184,127 (24,662) 215,840 (30,624) 80,572 (6,649) 123,398 (14,694) 173,572 (28,468) 442,699 (77,654) 59,195 (8,727)
Multiplicity 6.7 (6.8) 6.9 (7.0) 3.7 (3.7) 12.9 (9.0) 6.1 (6.2) 25.3 (25.6) 7.4 (7.3) 26.1 (27.1)
Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.8) 98.2 (97.2) 99.2 (99.1) 99.7 (97.6) 99.5 (99.6) 100 (100) 99.7 (99.7) 100 (100)
<I/σI> 13.2 (2.1) 11.5 (2.4) 10.3 (2.6) 27.1 (3.8) 8.7 (1.6) 14.1 (2.2) 11.9 (1.6) 15.4 (2.1)
Rsym 2 (%) 10.8 (102.0) 17.6 (93.8) 20.6 (88.7) 7.4 (71.3) 17.2 (129.3) 23.1 (164.7) 9.2 (125.3) 26.0 (236.4)
CC(1/2)3 99.8 (75.1) 99.4 (75.8) 98.3 (73.5) 99.9 (81.7) 99.4 (65.8) 99.8 (73.4) 99.9 (59.0) 99.8 (75.1)
Crystallographic refinement
Resolution range, all (Å) 47.92–1.90 48.01–2.00 50–1.90 50.0–1.65 48.23–2.30 47.32–1.60 49.33–1.50 47.04–1.80
Resolution range, outer shell (Å) 2.00–1.90 2.11–2.00 2.00–1.90 1.74–1.65 2.36–2.30 1.69–1.60 1.58–1.50 1.90–1.80
Completeness, all % (outer bin) 99.8 (99.8) 98.2 (97.1) 99.2 (99.1) 99.8 (98.5) 99.5 (99.6) 100 (100) 99.7 (99.7) 100 (100)
Rfactor 4/work reflns, all 0.170/215,167 0.186/182,281 0.239/211,9755 0.192/78,664 0.194/122,372 0.182/171,834 0.156/441,592 0.162/58,172
Rfree/free reflns, all 0.214/1,066 0.222/1,846 0.280/3,8655 0.224/1,907 0.248/984 0.212/1,737 0.198/1,107 0.199/1,022
Number of amino-acid residues 2,297 2,295 2,300 576 2,300 1,139 2,301 576
Non-hydrogen atoms 20,179 20,233 19,522 5,115 19,647 10,344 21,660 5,035
Mean B (Å2) protein all/mc/sc 32.5/31.1/33.9 34.4/32.8/36.1 24.7/23.6/25.9 17.6/16.7/18.6 29.6/38.6/40.6 17.6/16.3/19.0 24.4/22.9/25.9 22.4/21.0/23.8
Mean B (Å2) solvent/No. mol. 35.5/1,793 40.2/1,766 26.1/1,067 25.3/514 34.2/1,174 26.0/1,135 35.5/3,062 30.1/405
Rmsd bond lengths (Å), angles (°) 0.019, 1.90 0.019, 1.92 0.018, 1.96 0.021, 2.11 0.015, 1.76 0.023, 2.16 0.027, 2.28 0.020, 2.06
Ramachandran6: favored (%)/allowed (%)/Outliers 97.0/99.9/2 97.2/100/0 96.9/100/1 97.4/100/0 97.1/100/1 97.8/100/0 97.8/100/0 97.9/100/0
PDB accession code 4MOK 4MOL 4MOM 4MOO 4MOP 4MOQ 4MOR 4MOS

The outer shell statistics of the reflections are given in parentheses. Shells were selected as defined in XDS [36] by the user.


Rsym = [Σhkl Σi |I–<I>|/Σhkl Σi |I| ]×100%.


CC(1/2) = Percentage of correlation between intensities from random half-datasets. Values given represent correlations significant at the 0.1% level [44].


Rfactor = Σhkl | |Fo|–|Fc| |/Σhkl |Fo|.


We note that the R and Rfree values are suspiciously high a 1.9-Å resolution model with electron density of good quality. Data sanity tests excluded twinning, pseudotranslation, and misindexing as possible reasons. However, the data suffer from poor completeness in the low-resolution region and contain several ice rings, which may account for the problems encountered during refinement.


As determined by MolProbity [45].