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. 2014 Jan 22;7:927. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00927

Table 3.

Neural correlates of exploitative vs. explorative choice.

K H Anatomical region MNI Voxel T-score Cluster p-value
5627 L Superior frontal gyrus −12 42 48 8.26 0.000
L Mid orbital gyrus −4 56 −4 7.98
R Anterior cingulate cortex 4 36 6 6.76
L Anterior cingulate cortex −6 32 −10 5.97
3844 L Middle temporal gyrus −54 −6 −18 8.07 0.000
L Posterior cingulate cortex −6 −46 30 7.44
3473 R Rolandic operculum OP4 60 −6 10 5.91 0.000
R Middle temporal gyrus 50 2 −28 5.83
828 L IFG (p. Triangularis) 45 −54 24 14 7.03 0.000
L IFG (p. Orbitalis) −42 34 −12 6.72
719 L Paracentral lobule 6 −6 −24 62 4.97 0.000
R Postcentral gyrus 3b 16 −38 62 4.60
599 L Hippocampus (CA/SUB) −24 −16 −14 7.06 0.000
487 R Hippocampus (CA/SUB) 26 −16 −16 8.07 0.000
308 R IFG (p. Orbitalis) 40 32 −16 6.52 0.000
136 R Anterior insula/vmPFC 22 30 10 5.31 0.001
8631 R Precuneus 10 −64 54 15.27 0.000
L Precuneus −12 −66 60 13.37
L Superior parietal lobule −16 −70 54 12.51
R Inferior parietal lobule 36 −42 46 11.3
L Inferior parietal lobule −36 −42 40 11.09
L Superior parietal lobule 7PC 30 −48 46 10.46
R Right supramarginal gyrus 40 −34 42 9.47
4846 R Superior frontal gyrus 24 0 56 12.98 0.000
L Superior frontal gyrus −24 −4 56 11.33
L SMA −2 12 48 11.05
R Middle cingulate cortex 8 22 34 7.93
L FPC-middle frontal gyrus −36 50 20 7.43
R FPC-middle frontal gyrus 26 62 0 4.53
663 L Middle frontal gyrus −36 48 16 7.44 0.000
510 R IFG (p. triangularis) 36 32 28 7.19 0.000
R Middle frontal gyrus 34 36 28 7.02
686 L Insula lobe −38 18 0 8.97 0.000
943 R Insula lobe 36 18 4 7.63 0.000
285 L Locus coeruleus −4 −32 −14 5.38 0.000
L Locus coeruleus −8 −26 −24 4.47

From left to right, the extent of the cluster in number of voxels (K; 2 × 2 × 2 mm3), the hemispheric lateralization (H; L, Left; R, Right), the estimated anatomical region [and Brodmann Area where available in the Anatomy Toolbox (Eickhoff et al., 2005)], the stereotactic coordinates (MNI), the local-maxima T-score and the cluster p-value, are reported for the regions that were more strongly activated by exploitative than explorative decision-making (top), and explorative than exploitative decision-making (bottom). Values shown in the Cluster p-value column survive a statistical threshold of p < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons. CA, Cornu Ammonis; IFG (p. Orbitalis), pars orbitalis of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus; IFG (p. Triangularis), pars triangularis of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus; SMA, Supplementary Motor Area; SUB, Subiculum; vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex.