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. 2014 Jan 17;14:30. doi: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-30

Table 4.

Effect of DSF modes on mortality and morbidity

  Study Study data Effect 95% confidence interval, s.e. or p-value
Effect on maternal mortality
Conditional cash transfers
Hernandez Prado et al. [25]
11% decrease (relative risk 0.89) compared to control areas
CI: 0.82, 0.95
Payments to offset costs of access
No studies
Vouchers for maternity services
Hatt et al. [8]
No effect compared to control areas
p = 0.42
Effect on maternal morbidity
Conditional cash transfers
No studies
Payments to offset costs of access
No studies
Vouchers for maternity services
No studies
Effect on perinatal, neonatal and infant mortality
Conditional cash transfers
Barham et al. [26]
No effect on neonatal mortality
s.e.: 0.5
17% reduction in infant mortality
p < 0.01
Hernandez Prado et al. [25]
2% reduction in infant mortality
p < 0.05
Payments to offset costs of access
Lim et al. [9]
2002-2004, 2007-2009
2.3-2.4 fewer neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births
CI: 0.7, 4.1
6.2 fewer neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births
CI: -8.1, 20.4
Powell-Jackson et al. [35]
2002-2004, 2007-2009
No effect on neonatal mortality
p > 0.1
Powell-Jackson et al. [61]
No effect on neonatal mortality
p > 0.05
Vouchers for maternity services
Hatt et al. [8]
1 percentage point lower in intervention areas (stillbirths)
p < 0.001
No effect on neonatal deaths compared to control areas
p = 0.15
Effect on perinatal, neonatal and infant morbidity
Conditional cash transfers
Barber and Gertler [30]
Increased average birth weight
p = 0.02
4.6 percentage point reduction in incidence of low birth-weight
p = 0.05
Hernandez Prado et al. [27]
No effect on incidence of low birth-weight
p > 0.1
Payments to offset costs of access
No studies
Vouchers for maternity services
  No studies      

Notes. Effect is presented as odds ratio (OR), mean difference compared to controls or percentage increase from baseline. Confidence intervals (CI) are shown if they have been provided in the study, otherwise standard errors (s.e.) and p-values are shown. No quantitative studies on unconditional cash transfers were included in the systematic review. No quantitative studies on vouchers for merit goods considered impact on maternal, infant or neonatal morbidity or mortality.