Figure 3.
SNP rs4253238 is in LD with other KLKB1 SNPs. A) LD plot of the GWAS identified SNP rs4253238 identifies a block of LD between this SNP and other SNPs present in the KLKB1 gene, in the control/asthma data set (n=584). B) LD plot generated with Haploview, utilizing HapMap data selected for the CEU (Utah residents with northern and western European ancestry) population, confirms the presence of a block of LD for SNP rs4253238 with SNPs in the 5′ region of the KLKB1 gene. Numbers identify the R2 values up to a maximum of 100. The color scheme denotes the level of LD as defined by D′. Similar plots identify no LD with regions downstream of rs4253238 (data not shown).