Figure 5.
In Vivo Knockdown of Sik1 Results in Enhanced Phase Shifting and Rapid Re-Entrainment in a Jet-Lag Protocol
(A) C57Bl/6 mice were housed under a 12:12 hr LD cycle before siRNA ICV injection into the 3V (indicated by red asterisk on actograms). Ninety-six hours postinjection, the mice were given a 30 min light pulse (red arrow) at CT14.5, then placed in DD to enable phase-shift magnitude to be determined. Representative actograms from light-pulsed animals receiving siNT (siNT Light, top) or siSik1 (siSik1 Light, bottom) shown. Actograms are enlarged around the day of the light pulse for clarity (right).
(B) Phase-shifting responses to light are significantly larger following knockdown of Sik1 in the SCN (siSik1) when compared to nontargeting siRNA (siNT) controls (98 min versus 59 min, p = 0.036, Student’s t test, n = 5). Error bars = SEM. See also Figure S4.
(C) C57Bl/6 mice were housed under a 12:12 hr LD cycle before siRNA ICV injection into the 3V (indicated by red asterisk). Fourty-eight hours postinjection, the LD cycle was advanced by 6 hr and 10 days after the first shift, the LD cycle was advanced 6 hr again. Faster re-entrainment was observed with the Sik1 knockdown (siSik1) mice. Three actograms are displayed for each treatment (siNT or siSik1), showing that regardless of activity levels, Sik1 knockdown accelerates re-entrainment.
(D) Phase relative to new LD cycle (second shift) plotted against days after the shift in cycle. Day before shift indicated as 0 (before the dotted line). ∗∗ = p < 0.01, ∗ = p < 0.05 Student’s t test, phase of siSik1 versus siNT-treated animals on each day, n = 6 for siNT, n = 11 for siSik1. Representative actograms enlarged around the area plotted in the graph are indicated. Error bars = SEM. See also Figures S4 and S5.