Figure S1.
Sequence Alignment of KSR2 Orthologs and KSR1, Related to Figure 1
Sequence alignment of human KSR2 (accession number Q6VAB6), mouse Ksr2 (Mus musculus accession number Q3UVC0), Rat Ksr2 (Rattus norvegicus accession number FILY04), Dog KSR2 (Canis familiaris accession number FIP721), Monkey KSR2 (Macaca mulatta accession number F7GRP4) and human KSR1 (accession number Q8IVT5). Sequence alignments were undertaken using a ClustalW alignment program ( Dark gray indicates completely conserved residues, mid gray shows partially conserved residues, while light gray indicates similar residues. The KSR2 nonsynonymous missense mutations are indicated in orange, the nonsense mutation Y569X is marked in red and the location of the three frameshift mutations V511Cfsx29, F807Qfsx41 and L822Pfsx26 are shown with a blue X. In addition the CA1-4 domains are shown with a blue box, the domain found only in KSR2 is shown with a green box and the kinase domain is marked with a red box.