Figure 3.
Images of a 60-year-old male with a surgically confirmed T3 lesion. (a) Axial respiratory-triggered single-shot T2 weighted image shows papillary lesions in the entire gallbladder (asterisk). (b, c) Axial gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR images obtained at (b) arterial phase and (c) portal phase show enhancing papillary lesions with wall thickening of the gallbladder and a subtle low-signal-intensity area (arrow) in segment 4 of the liver. Both observers diagnosed a Stage T2 lesion with no liver invasion on MRI without the hepatobiliary phase (HBP). (d) Axial gadoxetic acid-enhanced 20-min HBP image clearly shows a low-signal-intensity area indicating focal liver invasion of gallbladder cancer into the adjacent liver (arrow). Both observers correctly diagnosed a Stage T3 lesion with focal liver invasion on MRI with the HBP.