Top row: group fascicles connecting AC with IC via MGB overlaid onto the group-average T1 image in MNI space (radiological convention). Blue = sound–MGB–IC tracts, red = pitch–MGB–IC tracts, green = anterior melody–MGB–IC tracts, pink = posterior melody–MGB–IC tracts. Only tracts identified in more than 2 subjects are depicted. Middle row: tracts from a publicly available three-dimensional stereotaxic atlas based on data analysis of myelin-stained histological sections of ten postmortem brains (Burgel et al., 2006) overlaid onto the T1 group-average image of our subjects (radiological convention), depicted with a lower threshold of 14%. The slices selected are at the same superior–inferior coordinates as the slices of the top row. Bottom row: combination of the top and middle rows. Blue tracts are the atlas fascicles. The transparent red overlay represents the area occupied by all tractographic tracts (sound–MGB–IC, pitch–MGB–IC, anterior melody–MGB–IC, posterior melody–MGB–IC).