Table 3.
Small size at birth (%) among children under five children by demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, Nepal 2011 (N = 5240)
Factors |
Total N [%]# |
Size at birth |
p value |
> = average | Smaller | |||
n [%] |
n [%] |
Maternal factors |
Mother’s age at pregnancy |
0.724 |
(Years) |
15–19 |
267 (9.1) |
218 (85.2) |
49 (14.8) |
20–29 |
2240 (72.1) |
1871 (85.6) |
369 (14.4) |
30–34 |
366 (11.1) |
291 (82.9) |
75 (17.1) |
> = 35 |
245 (7.7) |
200 (84.4) |
45 (15.6) |
Mother’s education |
0.008* |
No education |
2442 (47.3) |
1934 (81.8) |
508 (18.2) |
Primary |
1042 (20.0) |
868 (85.7) |
174 (14.3) |
Secondary |
1456 (27.1) |
1236 (85.9) |
220 (14.1) |
Higher |
300 (5.5) |
266 (87.9) |
34 (12.1) |
Mother’s occupation |
0.048* |
Not working |
1255 (28.9) |
1061(85.7) |
194 (14.3) |
Agriculture |
3278 (58.5) |
2641 (82.7) |
637 (17.3) |
Working (paid) |
707 (12.6) |
602 (86.3) |
105 (13.7) |
Number of ANC visits |
<0.001* |
0 |
608 (15.2) |
464 (77.7) |
144 (22.3) |
1–3 |
1309 (34.8) |
1059 (83.6) |
250 (16.4) |
4 or more |
2134 (50.0) |
1819 (86.8) |
315 (13.2) |
Took iron during pregnancy |
0.002* |
No |
814 (20.5) |
629 (79.8) |
185 (20.2) |
Yes |
3237 (79.5) |
2713 (85.5) |
524 (14.5) |
Tobacco smoking by mothers |
<0.001* |
No |
4655 (88.8) |
3868 (84.8) |
787 (15.2) |
Yes |
585 (11.2) |
436 (76.4) |
149 (23.6) |
Child related factors |
Sex of child |
<0.001* |
Male |
2723 (51.6) |
2307 (86.7) |
416 (13.3) |
Female |
2517 (48.4) |
1997 (81.2) |
520 (18.8) |
Birth order |
0.120 |
First |
1750 (34.3) |
1422 (82.6) |
328 (17.4) |
Second or third |
2310 (43.9) |
1941 (85.5) |
369 (14.5) |
Fourth or more |
1180 (21.8) |
941 (83.4) |
239 (16.6) |
Birth interval by month |
0.117 |
< 24 |
699 (20.8) |
562 (82.8) |
137 (17.2) |
> = 24 |
2791 (79.2) |
2320 (85.3) |
471 (14.7) |
Socioeconomic factors |
Ethnicity |
0.974 |
Advantaged |
2504 (43.1) |
2060 (84.1) |
444 (15.9) |
Disadvantaged (Janjati) |
1766 (39.0) |
1464 (84.1) |
302 (15.9) |
Disadvantaged (Dalit) |
970 (17.9) |
780 (83.7) |
190 (16.3) |
Religion |
0.563 |
Hindu |
4477 (82.9) |
3666 (83.9) |
811 (16.1) |
Others |
763 (17.1) |
638 (84.9) |
125 (15.1) |
Wealth status |
0.001* |
Poor |
2729 (47.7) |
2164 (81.4) |
565 (18.6) |
Middle |
918 (20.9) |
764 (85.5) |
154 (14.5) |
Rich |
1593 (31.4) |
1376 (87.1) |
217 (12.9) |
Type of cooking fuel |
0.185 |
Relatively non polluting |
771 (13.8) |
664 (86.1) |
107 (13.9) |
Relatively highly polluting |
4469 (86.2) |
3640 (83.7) |
829 (16.3) |
Father’s occupation |
0.550 |
Agriculture |
1315 (25.3) |
1070 (83.9) |
245 (16.1) |
Non agriculture |
3793 (71.6) |
3125 (83.9) |
668 (16.1) |
Others |
132 (3.1) |
109 (88.0) |
23 (12.0) |
Father’s education |
0.235 |
No education |
1080 (23.6) |
860 (82.3) |
220 (17.7) |
Primary |
1312 (24.3) |
1059 (83.3) |
253 (16.7) |
Secondary |
2245 (41.9) |
1857 (84.8) |
388 (15.2) |
Higher |
603 (10.2) |
528 (86.6) |
75 (13.4) |
Residence |
0.785 |
Urban |
1081 (9.4) |
909 (84.5) |
172 (15.5) |
Rural |
4159 (90.6) |
3395 (84.0) |
764 (16.0) |
Development region |
<0.001* |
Eastern |
1195 (23.6) |
991 (83.7) |
204 (16.3) |
Central |
1113 (31.9) |
961 (88.1) |
152 (11.9) |
Western |
764 (18.5) |
657 (86.6) |
107 (13.4) |
Mid -Western |
1177 (14.7) |
922 (77.5) |
255 (22.5) |
Far-Western |
991 (11.3) |
773 (77.6) |
218 (22.4) |
Ecological region |
0.001* |
Mountain |
1006 (7.9) |
805 (79.6) |
201 (20.4) |
Hill |
2115 (39.6) |
1698 (81.7) |
417 (18.3) |
Terai | 2119 (52.5) | 1801 (86.5) | 318 (13.5) |
# The number of missing values may vary for each variable. The percentages presented are valid percentages. *statistically significant at 5% level.