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. 2013 Feb 1;9(5):1119–1128. doi: 10.4161/hv.23827

Table 7, Hepatitis B vaccination costs (values referred to 1991)5.

HBV vaccination costs (1991)
Direct costs
Vaccine 12,000 lire (6.20 Euro)/dose (pediatric dose)
18,000 lire (9.30 Euro)/dose (adult dose)
Vaccine preservation 172 lire (0.09 Euro)/dose
Vaccine administration 12,500 lire (6.46 Euro)/person
Treatment of adverse reactions (1% of all vaccine doses administered) 9,545 lire (4.93 Euro)/case
Passive immunization of babies born to HBsAg+ mothers 29,000 lire (14.98 Euro)/newborn
Indirect costs
Lost working days for vaccination (only for adolescents) 15,455 lire (7.98 Euro)/dose
Lost working days for treatment of adverse reactions (1% of administered doses) 41,000 lire (21.17 Euro)/dose