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. 2014 Feb 15;10(2):229–232. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.3462

Figure 2. 30-second PSG fragment showing the presence of a catathrenia event with the sound of moaning/groaning (A) interrupted by 2 hiccups (B).

Figure 2

LOC, ROC: Ocular channels. FZ-CZ, CZ-OZ, C4-A1: Electroencephalographic (EEG) channels. Chin, arm and Leg EMG: chin, arm and leg electromyogram channels. The leg EMG was performed on both the lower extremities on the anterior tibialis muscle, while the arm EMG was performed on the right forearm muscles. ECG: electrocardiogram. CPAP: CPAP flow channel. Sono: Sonogram channel. SpO2: oxygen saturation. SUM: summation of chest and abdominal respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) bands. RC and ABD: chest and abdomen RIP bands. HR: heart rate.