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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neurotoxicology. 2013 Oct 9;39:158–168. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2013.09.003

Table 5.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of organophosphate pesticide exposure studies listed in Table 4.

Author/cohort Cognitive Behavioral Sensory Motor Morphology
Young et al. (2005) (CHAMACOS, CA, USA) n/a No effect n/a ↑ Abnormal reflexes n/a
Eskenazi et al. (2007) (CHAMACOS, CA, USA) 3.5 point decrease in MDI with 10-fold increase in DAPs @ 24 months but not at other ages 2-Fold increase in risk of PDD with each 10-fold increase in DAPs n/a n/a n/a
Eskenazi et al. (2010) (CHAMACOS, CA, USA) ↓ MDI score with PON1 variant ↑ PDD symptoms with ↓ PON1 activity n/a No effect n/a
Marks et al. (2010) (CHAMACOS, CA, USA) n/a ↑ Attention problems, ADHD n/a n/a n/a
Bouchard et al. (2011) (CHAMACOS, CA, USA) 7 IQ pt decrease between lowest and highest quintile of exposure @ 7 years (changes seen in working memory, processing speed, verbal comprehension and perceptual reasoning) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Rauh et al. (2006) (Columbia, NY, USA) 3.3 pt ↓ in MDI score ↑ Risk of attention symptom, ADHD, PDD problems n/a 6.5 pt ↓ in PDI score n/a
Rauh et al. (2011) (Columbia, NY, USA) 0.4–0.8 pt and 0.2–0.4 decrease in Working Memory score and IQ with 1 pg/g increase in CPF n/a n/a n/a n/a
Rauh et al. (2012) (Columbia, NY, USA) IQ × exposure interaction related to ↑ surface measures of brain n/a n/a n/a ↑ Brain areas associated with cognition, behavior, language, reward, emotion and inhibitor control likely related to swelling from neuronal damages
IQ x exposure interaction related to ↑ surface measures of brain
Engel et al. (2007) (Mt. Sinai, NY, USA) n/a No effect n/a 2.24× ↑ abnormal reflexes n/a
Engel et al. (2011) (Mt. Sinai, NY, USA) 3.3 and 2.1 point decrease in MDI with 10-fold increase in DAPs @12 (nonwhites only) and 24 months; no affect on PDI; decreased perceptual reasoning n/a n/a No effect n/a
Rohlman et al. (2005) (OR and NC, USA) No effect No effect No effect ↓ Response speed and latency n/a
Ruckart et al. (2004) (Superfund sites, USA) ↓ In short term memory (inconsistent across sites) ↓ Attention and adaptive behavior (inconsistent across sites) n/a ↓ Motor skills (inconsistent across sites) n/a
Dahlgren et al. (2004) (Family case study; CA, USA) Diagnosis of cognitive disorder, attention/executive dysfunction, severe expressive language disorder n/a ↓ Visual and auditory stimuli Verbal articulation problems n/a
Martos Mula et al. (2005) (Jujuy, Argentina) ↓ Short term memory No effect ↓ Visual perception performance n/a n/a
Eckerman et al. (2007) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) ↓ In digit span test ↓ selective attention No effect ↓ Motor speed n/a
Grandjean et al. (2006) (Quito, Ecuador) No effect n/a ↓ Visuospatial performance ↑ Reaction time with ↑ DAPs n/a
Kofman et al. (2006) (poisonings occurring <3 yrs age in Israel) ↓ Verbal memory Decreased performance on statue test (↓ inhibitory control) n/a n/a n/a
Rohlman et al. (2007) (Oregon, USA) ↓ Complex functioning ↓ sustained attention No effect ↓ Response speed n/a
Handal et al. (2007a) (Ecuador) Marginally significant ↓ in communication ↓ Social individual skills n/a ↓ Fine and gross motor skills n/a
Handal et al. (2007b) (Ecuador) ↓ Problem solving skills No effect n/a ↓ Fine motor skills, ↓ visual motor integration n/a
Lizardi et al. (2008) (Hispanic agricultural children in AZ, USA) ↓ In subtest performance driven by two high levels (↓ conceptual level responses, failure to maintain set, ↑ number of errors and perseverative responses). No effect n/a No effect n/a
Abdel Rasoul et al. (2008) (Menoufia, Egypt) ↓ Intelligence in exposed, ↓ spatial relations, ↓ memory speed ↓ Attention in exposed ↓ Audio and visual memory No effect n/a
Handal et al. (2008) (Ecuador) ↓ Communication skills n/a ↓ Visual accuity ↓ Fine motor skills
Bouchard et al. (2010) (NHANES 2000–2004, USA) n/a ↑ Hyperactive/impulsive ADHD; no differences seen in inattentive subtype or combined subtypes n/a n/a n/a
Harari et al. (2010) (Quito, Ecuador) No effect ↓ Attention function with DAPs n/a ↓ Motor speed, function with maternal occupation n/a
Muñoz et al. (2011) (Chile) ↓ Processing speed n/a n/a n/a n/a
Guodong et al. (2012) (Shanghai, China) No association with language score No association with social score n/a No association with motor score n/a

ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; DAPs = dialkylphosphate metabolites of organophosphate insecticides; n/a = not applicable; MDI = mental development index; PDD = pervasive development disorder; PDI = psychomotor development index; PON1 = paraoxonase.