A: Eye opening across postnatal days. Data is collapsed across sex and postnatal drug as there were no significant effects of these on eye opening. On P14, both prenatal LPS ( ∧, p<0.05) and PPA treated animals were delayed compared to vehicle treated controls. On P15, prenatal PPA treated pups continued to exhibit delayed eye opening. B: Free-fall righting reflex: 3 trials occurred, with a successful trial given a score of 1. In prenatal LPS treated pups, postnatal PPA produced sex differences, with higher scores in postnatal PPA treated males and lower scores in postnatal PPA treated females compared to postnatal VEH treated males and females, respectively. Error bars represent S.E.M. Refer to Table 1 for group designations and sample sizes. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01.