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. 2013 Apr 25;23(1):23–34. doi: 10.1007/s00787-013-0398-6

Table 1.

Sample characteristics

Variable N % SCQ mean (SD)
Gender Male 598 84.1 13.1 (6.7)
Female 113 15.9 12.7 (6.3)
Family income Low income 285 63.3 13.7 (7.2)
Medium–high income 165 36.7 11.8 (6.6)
Parental education No GCSEs 128 27.1 13.0 (6.9)
GCSEs or higher 345 72.9 13.1 (7.0)
Socioeconomic status Low family SES 332 51.5 13.7 (6.7)
Medium–high SES 313 48.5 12.1 (6.6)
ADHD diagnosis subtype DSM-IV combined subtype 519 73.0 13.7 (6.7)
DSM-IV predominantly inattentive subtype 43 6.0 9.9 (6.2)
DSM-IV predominantly hyperactive-impulsive subtype 73 10.3 11.4 (6.9)
DSM-III-R-only 76 10.7 11.8 (5.6)
ODD or CD diagnosis DSM-IV ODD diagnosis 305 44.3 13.9 (6.7)
DSM-IV CD diagnosis 131 19.0 15.1 (6.7)
No CD or ODD diagnosis 252 36.6 11.0 (6.1)
Anxiety or depression diagnosis Any DSM-IV anxiety diagnosisa 49 7.2 15.7 (7.7)
Any DSM-IV depression diagnosisa 6 0.9 11.7 (6.0)
No anxiety or depression diagnosis 630 92.2 12.8 (6.5)
Total sample 711 100 13.0 (6.6)

aTwo children met criteria for a diagnosis of both anxiety and depression