Figure 1.
Co-immunoprecipitation assay demonstrating MeCP2–Htt interactions in Hdh mouse striatum. (A) Co-immunoprecipitation assay in Hdh mouse striatum with anti-MeCP2 antibody followed by immunoblot with MAb2166 antibody against Htt protein demonstrates that a significant increase in Htt immunoreactivity for the 83, 47 and 25 kDa Htt fragments in the Hdh111/111 striatum compared with Hdh7/7. (B) Integrated density values for Htt fragment immunoreactivity from a total of five immunoblots. (C) Co-immunoprecipitation assay in mouse striatum with MAb2166 antibody against Htt protein followed by immunoblot with an anti-MeCP2 antibody demonstrates a significant increase in MeCP2 immunoreactivity in immunoprecipitated Hdh111/111 striatum compared with Hdh7/7. Control IgG co-immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot with an anti-MeCP2 antibody in Hdh striatum. (D) Integrated density values for MeCP2 immunoreactivity from a total of four immunoblots; ***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05. IP, immunoprecipitation.