Fig. 3. Inducible β-catenin deletion or ectopic Dkk1 expression blocks plucking-induced anagen.
Krt5-rtTA tetO-Cre Ctnnb1fl/flmutants, Dkk1 transgenics and Dkk1/Krm1 transgenics, and their respective littermate controls were induced from P50, hair plucked at P54, and dorsal skin analyzed at P57. Paraffin sections were stained with H&E (A–E), or immunostained for Ki67 (green) (F–J), β-catenin (brown) (K–O), KRT15 (P,Q, red; R–T, green), or CD34 (U,V, red; W–Y, green). In (F–G), yellow arrows indicate SHG; white arrows indicate upper ORS. In (M–O), black arrow indicates SHG; blue arrows indicate IFE; red arrows indicate DP. Yellow arrows in (P–Y) indicate positive signals. Scale Bars: 100µm (A–E); 50µm (F–Y). See also Figs. S2 and S3.