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. 2014 Jan 21;12:3. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-12-3

Table 2.

Training methods used in the Gezira Family Medicine Project

Training activity Way of conducting Time of the training Aim of the training
Introductory course
Meeting at the university
At the start of the master’s course
To cover important areas in family and community medicine, before start
Distance learning
Formal Internet-based lectures, tutorials or discussions, using Web Ex program (virtual classroom); lecturer communicates with candidates (voice and picture), share desktop, slides, films, and documents
Usually at the end of the day, evenings, or weekends
To teach the different disciplines in rotations (medicine paediatrics, and so forth)
Hospital visits
Clinical rounds, outpatient clinic, referral clinic, theatre, etc.
Once a week
To learn the required clinical skills, candidates should fill their logbooks where all the required skills are listed
Specialists from all specialties are connected with the candidates by videoconference to discuss real-life cases
One hour during the working day
Both clinical management and case discussion learning
Field supervision
Supervisors visit the candidates at their health centres
During the working day
To assess the setting, attend and evaluate consultations, evaluate the use of the filing system
Primary care work
Candidates are practicing family medicine at their centres
4 days a week
Learning through practice, candidates communicate with specialists and colleagues through videoconferencing
Crash courses arranged at the university
Usually 3 to 5 days per course
To cover certain important topics (examples: mental health, malaria and HIV)
Monthly meetings
Meeting at the university
Once a month
Family medicine teaching and administrative issues
Electronic library
Every candidate is equipped with a laptop computer and free wireless Internet
At any time
Evidence-based medicine: candidates should know national and international resources, guidelines, medical websites, etc.
Classical library Available at the university, some books were distributed free to the candidates During the university days Mainly for background knowledge