Figure 2. Peripheral T-cell and antibody response against myelin antigen in Was − /− mice.
A, LNCs and splenocytes were harvested from Was −/− and WT mice (5 mice/group) two weeks after EAE induction and pooled cells were cultured in vitro with increasing doses of MOG35–55 peptide or medium alone. [3H] thymidine was added to LNCs cultures 72 h after stimulation (upper left corner). Cytokine levels were measured on supernatants from splenocytes 48 h after stimulation. B, Antigen-specific IgG antibodies (left panel) and total IgE antibodies (right panel) were measured in duplicate in sera obtained from mice (10 mice/group) 6 weeks after EAE induction. Data are representative of one of the two independent experiments that gave similar results. * P<0.05; ** P<0.01.