JMJD1C knockdown promotes neural differentiation of hESCs.
A and B, CT2 and H9 hESC lines were stably transduced with lentiviral shRNA vector for JMJD1C KD or an MM control. The resultant cell lines were subjected to RT-qPCR (A) or Western blotting (B) for JMJD1C expression. C, phase-contrast photographs of JMJD1C KD and MM H9 cells cultured in T1 or T1/F0 medium for 6 days. Both KD cell lines (KD and KD-v2 derived using KD4 and KD3 shRNAs, respectively) formed typical neural rosettes in T1/F0. Scale bar, 100 μm. D, RT-PCR analysis for expression of pluripotency (OCT4) and neural (PAX6 and MAP2) marker genes in JMJD1C KD and MM cells cultured in T1 or T1/F0. Day 7 embryoid body (EB) was tested as a control. E and F, JMJD1C KD and MM H9 cells were cultured in T1 or T1/F0 for 5 days followed by flow cytometry analysis for PAX6+ cell ratio (E) or immunostaining for PAX6 (F). Scale bar, 200 μm. Error bars, S.D.