Table 1.
Comparison of concentrations of odorants in native and glucuronidase-treated human urine.
No. 1,2 | Compound 3 | Median concentration native urine [µg/mol creatinine] |
Median concentration glucuronidase-treated urine [µg/mol creatinine] |
Factor 4 | Percentage 5
[%] |
2 | 4-ethylguaiacol | 44 | 952 | 22 | 5 // 95 |
3 | 4-vinylguaiacol | 290 | 7890 | 27 | 4 // 96 |
4 | (E)-β-damascenone | 1.6 | 52 | 33 | 3 // 97 |
5 | dimethyl trisulfide | 52 | 855 | 16 | 6 // 94 |
6 | guaiacol | 34 | 22000 | 647 | 0 // 100 |
7 | indole | 52 | 33200 | 638 | 0 // 100 |
8 | methional | 82 | 904 | 11 | 9 // 91 |
9 | skatole | 28 | 97 | 3 | 29 // 71 |
10 | vanillin | 510 | 6300 | 12 | 8 // 92 |
1 Numbering is in accordance to online supplementary material Table S1; 2 As no quantitation of oct-1-en-3-one was possible in hydrolyzed urine (and the numbering is in accordance to online supplementary material Table S1), number 1 (oct-1-en-3-one) is left out in this table.; 3 Compounds listed in alphabetical order; 4 Factor: median concentration in glucuronidase-treated urine divided by median concentration in native urine; 5 Displayed is the average percentage of each compound present in its free form as opposed to its glucuronide conjugate, separated by a double slash.