Concept Network
Changes and Notes History
Number of changes and/or notes |
Which are the highly edited/discussed areas in the ontology? |
Changes and notes |
Which are the highly active areas in the ontology? |
Distinct authors of changes/notes |
Which concepts attract many different authors? |
Authors Gini coefficient |
Which concepts are edited more “democratically”, i.e., in a more evenly distributed manner? Contrarily, which are the areas/concepts that are dominated by many changes of a single author? |
Overrides |
Which concepts cause most disputes (i.e. have the highest amount of changes performed on the same properties of a concept)? |
Edit sessions |
Which are the highly active areas (with aggregated consecutive changes of the same property by the same author being 1 edit session)? |
Distinct authors by property |
Which concepts have many properties that are edited by many different authors? |
Network Features
Number of parents/children |
Which concepts have many parents? (This is particularly interesting in the case of ICD-11, as multiple parents were not possible in ICD-10 and are therefore introduced gradually.) Which concepts have many children? (i.e. Number of parents/children in the ontological structure) |
Depth in network |
Which concepts are at what levels in the ontological structure (i.e. what is the shortest path of each concept to the root concept)? |
Betweenness centrality (directed/undirected), Pagerank, Closeness centrality |
What are central/popular concepts in the ontology, when looking at different attributes of the network structure of the ontology? |
Number of changes by community |
How many changes of a concept did each community performed? |
Number of titles/definitions and language codes |
How many different titles, definitions or language codes are available for each concept? |