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. 2013 Dec 3;9:63. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-9-63

Table 5.


Estimate Study year Sample frame and sample size Study design Reference
HbA1c 68% patients >7% 81% patients >6.5%
Nov 2008 - Feb 2009
Sample frame: 18 diabetes centres
Cross-sectional study, blood samples
DiabCare 2008 [26]
FPG 47% patients >7.2 mmol/l 69% patients >6.1 mmol/l
Sample size: 1832 participants (1785 DM T2, 17 DM T1)
47-69% of the surveyed patients depending on the criteria applied (IDF/ADA or APDPG)
HbA1c: 69% patients >7%
2006 - 2007
Sample frame: Patients with type 2 diabetes
Multi-centre, cross-sectional, observational study.
IDMPS [18]
Sample size: N = 674, mean age 55.2 (SD = 10.2), 55% females, mean duration for diabetes 6.1 (SD = 6.4) years.
Prevalence-based approach to estimate resource use occurred during a 1-year period.
Mean ± SD HbA1c 8.1 ± 2 (N = 1932)
Mar - Dec 1998
Sample frame: several diabetes centres with more than 100 diabetic patients a month
Cross-sectional survey
DiabCare 1998 [39]
Categories by central HbA1c values (%)
<7: 34%
Sample size: N = 1932
7-8: 25%
>8: 41%
Local mean ± SD HbA1c 7.7 ± 2.6 (N = 144)
HbA1c: 10.5+/-2.7 (mean +/- SD)
Nov 2001 - Apr 2002
Sample frame: Seven diabetes centres
Cross-sectional clinic-based survey
Sample size: 64 DM type 1 patients (45% boys, 55%, girls), mean age 11
Apr - Jun 1999
Sample frame: Children with type 1 diabetes at the Paediatric Endocrinology Clinic of the University of Indonesia.
Cross-sectional survey
46% patients ≤ 10
54% patients ≥ 10
Sample size: N = 24 children mean age 13.6 years old 10 boys, 14 girls.
Annual checks for complications and glucose monitoring
Frequency of eye examination among known diabetic patients in the last year: 15.3%, n = 30, N = 196
Feb - Apr 2009
Sample frame: One tertiary hospital and two community clinics in Jakarta
Sample size: N = 196, mean age 58.4 years, 61.5% females.
Percentage screened for
2006 - 2007
Sample frame: Patients with type 2 diabetes
Multi-centre, cross-sectional, observational study
IDMPS [18]
-Micro-vascular complications: 56%
Sample size: N = 674, > 18 years with average age 55.2 (SD = 10.2), 55% females, mean duration for diabetes 6.1 (SD = 6.4) years.
Prevalence-based approach to estimate resource use occurred during a 1-year period.
-Macro-vascular complications: 49%
Home blood glucose monitoring 57.1%
Sample frame: Patients with type 2 diabetes
Clinic-based survey
Four or more clinic visits in the previous year: 57.2%
Sample size: N = 7, 42.9% male, aged <18 years
≥ 3 HbA1c test in the previous year: 16.7%
No HbA1c test in the previous year: 37%
Nov 2001-Apr 2002 Sample frame: Seven diabetes centres
Cross-sectional clinic-based survey [21]
More than three HbA1c test in the previous year: 21%
Sample size: 64 DM type 1 patients (45% boys, 55%, girls), mean age 11
Blood glucose self-monitoring was performed on average 32 times a month

Notes: Fasting plasma glucose (FPG), standard deviation (SD).