ErbB4 and Kap1 interact with MDM2. COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with vector alone (M) or vectors encoding truncated CYT-2 or CYT-2 KD, Flag-tagged Kap1, and T7-tagged MDM2. Nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions were immunoprecipitated with anti-Kap1 (A) or anti-ErbB4 (B) and immunoblotted with anti-ErbB4, Kap1, or MDM2 antibodies. The blot in A was stripped and reprobed with anti-Kap antibody. The blot in B was stripped and reprobed with anti-ErbB4 antibodies. A separate blot of the same immunoprecipitations was probed with anti-ErbB4 antibody (A) to confirm the Kap1/ErbB4 interaction. Similarly, the blot in B was probed with anti-Kap antibody to confirm the ErbB4/Kap1 interaction. C, portions of the nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts were analyzed without immunoprecipitation, as marked. Data represent two biological replicates in identical format plus two similar biological replicates.