Acanthuridae |
Ctenochaetus binotatus
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Acanthuridae |
Acanthurus pyroferus
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Balistidae |
Sufflamen bursa
5.88 |
Hawaii, USA |
Hobson, E. S., 1974 |
Blenidae |
Ecsenius pictus
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Chaetodontidae |
Chaetodon bennetti
13 |
Kalimantan, Indonesia |
Nagelkerken et al 2009 |
Chaetodontidae |
Chaetodon kleinii
8 |
Kalimantan, Indonesia |
Nagelkerken et al 2009 |
Chaetodontidae |
Chaetodon lunulatus
5 |
Kalimantan, Indonesia |
Nagelkerken et al 2009 |
Chaetodontidae |
Chaetodon unimaculatus
17.49 |
Hawaii, USA |
Hobson, E.S. 1974 |
Chaetodontidae |
Forcipiger flavissimus
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Chaetodontidae |
Heniochus varius
6 |
Ryukyu Islands, Japan |
Sano, M., 1989 |
Chaetodontidae |
Chaetodon vagabundus
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Pomacanthidae |
Centropyge vroliki
40 |
Papua New Guinea |
Eagle, J.V., & Jones, G. P., 2004 |
Pomacanthidae |
Pomacanthus imperator
>50 |
Maldives |
Anderson, C. & Hafiz, A., 1987 |
Pomacanthidae |
Pomacanthus xanthometopon
>50 |
Maldives |
Anderson, C. & Hafiz, A., 1987 |
Pomacanthidae |
Pygoplites diacanthus
>50 |
Maldives |
Masuda, H. & Allen G.R., 1993 |
Pomacanthidae |
Centropyge bicolor
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Pomacanthidae |
Centropyge tibicen
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Pomacentridae |
Chrysiptera rex
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Labridae |
Halichoeres porsopeion
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Nemipteridae |
Scolopsis bilineata
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Personal observation of feeding behavior |
Zanclidae |
Zanclus cornutus
84 |
Hawaii, USA |
Hobson, E. S., 1974 |