Figure 3. LTT response (A) in PBMCs of endemic, infected and cured patients’ stimulated by SLD, rLdEno and rLdAld at 10 µg/ml concentration for 5 days and 18 hours prior to termination of experiment 50 µl of XTT was added and the absorbance was read at 480 nm taking 650 nm as reference wavelength.
Proliferation was represented as mean OD of stimulated culture - mean OD of unstimulated control. Each bar represents the pooled data (mean ± S.D. value) of 6 individuals and the data represent the means of triplicate wells ± the S.D. Cytokine production (B) IFN-γ, (C) IL-12 and (D) IL-10, in stimulated PBMCs from individuals of cured VL patients (CUR; n = 7) and endemic controls (END; n = 5) in response to rLdEno, rLdAld and SLD antigens, each data point represents one individual. The X axis refers to groups of individuals (CUR and END) and the Y-axis corresponds to the values of respective cytokine as concentrations in pg/ml. The mean concentration of cytokine for each group is indicated by the horizontal bars. Cytokine production was tested in triplicate in two independent experiments and the results were comparable. Significance values indicate the difference between the SLD and rLdEno/rLdAld stimulation (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; and ***, p<0.001).