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. 2014 Jan 24;9(1):e86710. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086710

Table 4. Pearson’s Correlation of Kinematic Variables.

Max. Gape Time toMax. Gape Max. Gape Angle Time to Max. Gape Angle Max. GAOV Time Max. GAOV Max. GACV Time Max. GACV Max. Gular Depress Time Max. Gular Depress Feeding Cycle Duration
Max. Gape 1.0000 0.4684 0.8942 0.5192 0.7947 0.1201 0.8099 0.5620 −0.2153 −0.3877 0.5336
Time to Max. Gape 0.4684** 1.0000 0.4760 0.9460 0.4053 0.4791 0.4635 0.5501 −0.0281 −0.0694 0.6181
Max. Gape Angle 0.8942** 0.4760** 1.0000 0.4727 0.8782 0.1857 0.8785 0.5656 −0.2290 −0.3481 0.5340
Time to Max. Gape Angle 0.5192** 0.9460** 0.4727** 1.0000 0.4117 0.4986 0.4068 0.5264 −0.0191 −0.0937 0.5850
Max. GAOV 0.7947** 0.4053** 0.8782** 0.4117** 1.0000 0.1409 0.7774 0.4708 −0.1659 −0.4500 0.4634
Time Max. GAOV 0.1201 0.4791** 0.1857 0.4986** 0.1409 1.0000 0.0853 0.4346 0.1341 0.1276 0.4082
Max. GACV 0.8099** 0.4635** 0.8785** 0.4068** 0.7774** 0.0853 1.0000 0.4734 −0.2627 −0.3992 0.4468
Time Max. GACV 0.5620** 0.5501** 0.5656** 0.5264** 0.4708** 0.4346** 0.4734** 1.0000 −0.1696 −0.0494 0.8069
Max. Gular Depression 0.2153* −0.0281 0.2290* −0.0191 −0.1659 0.1341 0.2627* −0.1696 1.0000 0.5079 −0.0917
Time Max. Gular Depress. 0.3877** −0.0694 0.3481** −0.0937 0.4500** 0.1276 0.399** −0.0494 0.5079** 1.0000 −0.0702
Feeding Cycle Duration 0.5336** 0.6181** 0.5340** 0.5850** 0.4634** 0.4082** 0.4468** 0.8069** −0.0917 −0.0702 1.0000

Log10 transformed data, GAOV = Gape Open Angle Velocity, GACV = Gape Angle Close Velocity, * = P<0.05, ** =  P<0.01, Bold = positive correlation, Italics = negative correlation, N = 5, 91 feeding events.