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. 2014 Jan 24;9(1):e87073. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087073

Table 2. Participants and sampling methods for consensus development of the MEWS chart.

Research activity Sampling method Inclusion criteria Respondents/Participants (n = 12*) Rationale
Consensusdevelopment ofthe MEWS Purposivesampling Medical experts in clinicalphysiology and health sciencesresearch (including CCNs)and senior 1 PhD specialist anaesthesiologist 1 PhD emergencymedicine specialist with experience in implementinga triage early warning scoring (TEWS) inCape Town A mixed panel of expertsrepresents the diversity foundon a ward who are all
ward nurses with expertise in 2 Critical care nurses/lecturers with a Master’s degree involved in bedside
bedside monitoring 6 ‘head’ nurses – I from each of the researchsurgical wards; monitoring to some extent
1 surgical nurse operational manager¥
1 surgical nurse clinical educator
*1 PhD neurosurgeon

Note on table:


The neurosurgeon who had been fully informed of the study from its inception was included as a replacement for the emergency medicine specialist in Round 5.


The surgical nurse clinical educator participated in all consensus rounds but replaced one surgical head nurse after Round 1.

The Head of the Department of Surgery was fully informed of the study from its inception but was not available to participate in the consensus rounds.