Fig. 1.
Schematic of the processing pathways of human amyloid precursor protein (APP; a) and its C. elegans ortholog APL-1 (b). a) APP undergoes two processing pathways, α/γ-secretase or β/γ-secretase, to produce sAPPα/AICD or sAPPβ/AICD, respectively. Only the β/γ-secretase pathway produces the amyloid peptide (Aβ). α-Secretase corresponds to ADAM17/TACE, β-secretase to BACE. b) In C. elegans, APL-1 undergoes at least one processing pathway to produce sAPL-1 and presumably AICD. α-Secretase may correspond to SUP-17, ADAM10, or ADM-4 ADAM17/TACE. No β-secretase activity has been described in C. elegans. NCT/APH-2 nicastrin; conserved domains: cysteine-rich E1 and acidic residue-rich E2 domain, AICD APP or APL-1 intracellular cytoplasmic domain.