Figure 2.
RNA editing of GRIA2 R/G site and ADAR2 expression level in human postmortem brains. Relationship between expression level of ADAR2 and editing efficacy at R/G sites of GRIA2. a) GRIA2, flip isoform. b) GRIA2, flop isoform. The vertical axis means the RNA editing efficiency at the R/G site of GRIA2. The horizontal axis shows the mRNA expression of ADAR2 shown by the ADAR2/GAPDH ratio. Each dot represents the one person’s editing efficacy at the R/G site of GRIA2 versus their expression level of ADAR2. Closed circles represent bipolar disorder (n = 11), closed squares represent schizophrenia (n = 13), closed diamonds represent depression (n = 11), and open circles represent controls (n = 14). Correlation coefficients were r = 0.53 (P < 0.001) for the flip isoform and r = 0.42 (P < 0.005) for the flop isoform. The information of each subject was shown in Neuropathology Consortium samples of Table 1.