Gata4 is a major regulator responsible for fat absorption and accumulation in BcKO mice. (a) Proportion of Gata4 binding sites in the promoters of downregulated genes from BcKO profile, from all known mouse genes and from ~1,000 nonvarying genes expressed in the jejunum (P < 1 × 10−14). (b) Gene expression ratios between BcKO versus WT and heterozygous control (y axis; n = 27 per group) and between GATA4 KOvil versus heterozygous control mice (x axis; n = 5 per group). Each symbol represents one gene. (c) Intestinal cholesterol absorption in BcKO and heterozygous littermates. Each dot represents one mouse. Each line represents one litter. (d) Proportion of perigonaldal fat (gram) in relation to total body weight (gram) in BcKO (left), Gata4KOvil (right) and their corresponding heterozygous control mice. (e) Serum leptin levels in BcKO (left) and Gata4KOvil (right) mice and their corresponding heterozygous control mice. (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01). In d,e, for BcKO and control mice, each dot represents median value of each genotype in a given litter and each line represents one litter. For Gata4KOvil mice, each dot represents one mouse.